Configuring the build

Start by following the general installation instructions.

The yk repo is a Rust workspace (i.e. a collection of crates). You can build and test in the usual ways using cargo. For example, to build and test the system, run:

cargo test


Under normal circumstances, yk builds a copy of its LLVM fork "ykllvm", which it also uses it to build interpreters (via the compiler's use of yk-config). You can use your own ykllvm build by specifying the directory where the executables (e.g. clang, llvm-config, and so on) are stored with YKB_YKLLVM_BIN_DIR.

yk does not check your installation for compatibility: it is your responsibility to ensure that your ykllvm build matches that expected by yk.

It is also undefined behaviour to move between defining this variable and not within a repository using yk (including the yk repository itself). If you want to set/unset YKB_YKLLVM_BIN_DIR then cargo clean any repositories using yk before rebuilding them.


The YKB_TRACER environment variable allows building yk with either hwt (Hardware Tracer) or swt (Software Software Tracer).

hwt - Relies on Intel PT, suitable only for x86 CPUs supporting it.

swt - CPU architecture-independent, but with fewer features compared to hwt.