Pull Requests

We welcome all and any contributions, from code to documentation to examples, submitted as pull requests to one of our GitHub repositories. Pull requests are reviewed by a yk contributor: changes may be requested in an ongoing dialogue between reviewee and reviewer; and, if and when agreement is reached, the pull request will be merged.

This page explains yk's approach to the pull request model, based on observations of good practise in other projects, and our own experiences. Please note that this is a living process: the details are subject to continual refinement and change, and no document can perfectly capture all the possibilities that will crop up in real life.

What makes a good pull request?

The typical aim of a pull request to a yk repository is to make a focussed change such as: add a new feature; fix a bug; or edit documentation. Good pull requests are:

  1. Self-contained. A pull request should not try and change everything at once. Ideally a pull request fixes a single bug or adds a single feature; but sometimes a set of interdependent fixes or features makes more sense. In general, small pull requests are better than big pull requests.

  2. Tested. Every piece of new functionality, and every bug fix, must have at least one accompanying test, unless testing is impractical. Authors should also strive not to break any other part of the system. yk runs various tests before a pull request is merged: this reduces, but does not remove, the chances of a merged pull request breaking expectations: careful thought and testing on the part of the pull request author are still required.

  3. Documented. Code diffs show what has been changed, but not why. Documentation explains to other humans the context for a change (i.e. why something needed to be changed), the reason why the change is as it is (i.e. could the change have taken a different form? what alternatives were considered or attempted?), and the consequences of doing so (i.e. does this make something easier or harder in the future?). Documentation comes in the form of comments in code, "external" documentation (such as you read here), and commit and pull request messages. In whatever form it comes, documentation must be clear (as easy to understand as possible), concise (as short as possible while getting all the required points across), complete (not missing any important points), and necessary (not documenting that which is obvious).

  4. Useful. The more people that will benefit from a pull request, the more likely it is to be merged. The bar for "useful" is set fairly low, but that does not mean that every pull request should be merged: for example, a pull request which simply changes code to your preferred style is not only not useful but may cause problems for other people working in parallel. However, porting the code to a little used platform is often useful (provided it doesn't cause undue problems for more widely used platforms).

  5. Harmonious. As far as possible, new code should feel like a natural extension of existing code. Following existing naming conventions, for example, can sometimes grate, but internal consistency helps those who read and edit the code later.

The reviewer and reviewee covenant

The aim of pull request reviewing is to make yk better while ensuring that our quality standards are maintained. Ultimately, it is in yk's best interests for all pull requests which satisfy the criteria listed in the previous section to be merged in.

Both reviewer and reviewee have their part to play in making this process work. Most importantly, both parties must assume good faith on the part of the other: for example, questions are an opportunity to learn or explain, not to attack. Clear, polite, communication between both parties is required at all times. Reviewers should respond in a timely manner to comments, while understanding that reviewees may have many outside responsibilities that mean their responses are less timely.

Reviewers should help a reviewee meet the expected standards, via questioning and explicit guidance, without setting the bar unnecessarily high. Reviewers need to accept:

  • that a pull request cannot solve every problem, and some problems are best deferred to a future pull request;
  • and that some variance of individual style is inevitable and acceptable.

Put another way, while we set high standards, and require all contributions to meet them, we are not foolish enough to expect perfection. In particular, reviewers must be welcoming to newcomers, who may not be familiar with our processes or standards, and adjust accordingly.

The pull request process in yk repositories

To raise a pull request, you must:

  1. Fork the relevant yk GitHub repository to your account. Note that pull requests must never come from a branch on a yk repository.

  2. Create a new branch in your fork. If you are unsure about the name, start with something generic and rename it later with git branch -m <new name>.

  3. Make your changes and commit them. It is not only allowed, but often best, to have multiple commits: each commit should be a logical change building upon one of its predecessors. Each commit should be capable of passing all tests successfully (amongst other things, to avoid breaking git bisect).

  4. Push your branch to your GitHub fork and raise a pull request. Give the pull request a meaningful title (for example, "Fix bug" is not helpful but "Deal with an empty list correctly" is) and a description (empty descriptions are almost never acceptable). If the pull request fixes all aspects of a GitHub issue, add the text Fixes #<GitHub issue number>, as a line on its own, into the description: GitHub will then automatically close that issue when the pull request is merged.

Your pull request has now been raised and will be reviewed by a yk contributor. The aim of a review is two fold: to ensure that contributions to yk are of an acceptable quality; and that at least two people (the reviewer and reviewee) understand what was changed and why.

The reviewer will comment in detail on specific lines of the commit and on the overall pull request. Comments might be queries (e.g. "can the list ever be empty at this point?") or corrections (e.g. "we need to deal with the possibility of an empty list at this point"). For each comment you can either:

  1. Address the issue. For example, if the reviewer has pointed out correctly that something needs to be changed then:

    1. make a small additional commit (one per fix);
    2. push it to your branch;
    3. and, in the same place as the reviewer made their comment, add a new comment Fixed in <git hash>.

    The reviewer will then review your change and either: mark the conversation as "resolved" if their point is adequately addressed; or raise further comments otherwise.

    Note that the reviewee must not: mark conversations as resolved (only the reviewer should do so); force push updates to your branch unless explicitly requested to do so by the reviewer (always make new commits on the existing branch).

  2. Add a query. You might not understand the reviewer's question: it's fine to ask for clarification.

  3. Explain why you think there is not an issue. The reviewer might have misunderstood either the details of a change, or the pull request's context (e.g. the pull request might not have intended to fix every possible issue). A complete, and polite explanation, can help both reviewer and reviewee focus on the essentials.

Often multiple rounds of comments, queries, and fixes are required. When the reviewer is happy with the changes, they will ask the reviewee to "please squash" their pull request. The aim here is to provide a readable sequence of commits for those who later need to look at the history of changes to a particular part of the repository. The general aim is to provide a pleasing sequence of individually documented commits which clearly articulate a change to future readers. At the very least, all of the "fix commits" must be merged away: commonly, these are merged into the main commits, or, though rarely, into a new commit(s). It is not required, and is often undesirable, to squash all commits down into a single commit: when multiple commits can better explain a change, they are much preferred. During squashing, you should also check that commit messages still accurately document their contents: revise those which need updating.

The process of squashing is synonymous with git rebase, so when you are asked to squash it is also acceptable to: rebase the commit against the master branch at the same time; and force push the resulting rebased branch.

Not that being asked to squash or to update a commit message are the only times you may force push an update to a branch. In both cases, the reviewee must only do so when explicitly asked to by a reviewer. If you are unsure, please ask a reviewer before force pushing.


Most of us prefer programming to writing documentation, whether that documentation is in the form of a comment or commit description (etc). That can lead us to rush, or omit, documentation, making life difficult for pull request reviewers and future contributors. We must prioritise creating and maintaining documentation.

yk's documentation must be clear, concise, and complete. A good rule of thumb is to write documentation to the quality you would like to read it: use "proper" English (e.g. avoid colloquialisms), capitalise and punctuate appropriately, and don't expect to phrase things perfectly on your first attempt.

In the context of pull requests, bear in mind that the code captures what has been changed, but not why: good documentation explains the context of a change, the reason the change is as it is, and the consequences of the change. The pull request itself should come with a description of what it aims to achieve and each individual commit must also contain a self-contained description of its changes.


yk's continuous integration setup only accepts contributions of well-formatted code. Changed Rust code must be formatted with cargo fmt. Changed C++ code must be formatted with cargo xtask cfmt. Please run both before you raise PR, and rerun them each time you are about to make a commit in response to reviewer comments.

Automated testing

Before pull requests are merged into yk they must pass automated tests. yk uses bors and Buildbot to run the .buildbot.sh file in yk's root in a fresh Docker image: if that file executes successfully, the pull request is suitable for merging. Pull requests may edit .buildbot.sh as with any other file, though one must be careful not to slow down how long it takes to run unduly. In general, only yk contributors can issue bors commands, though they can in certain situations give external users the right to issue commands on a given pull request. Users given this privilege should use it responsibly.